Unpacking My Journey: Emergenetics Associate Certification Experience
I'm writing this after just completing my Emergenetics Associate Certification. I was first introduced to Emergenetics in 2017 during my time as the Training Manager for Access Dental Services, I thought it was such a cool assessment and got really excited when we brought it on board at SMUD in 2018. Getting certified in this tool has been really insightful. It aligns well with other tools we use in L&D here. I really like that it's centered on strengths. I love any strengths based approach.
Never heard of emergenetics? It's probably my Disney history that makes a portmanteau (blending of two words to make a new word) normal to me. Innoventions (RIP) and Imagineering are common in my vocabulary.
Here's a video from Emergenetics International so you can learn what it's all about.
Certification Process
Registration and Pre-Work
I enjoyed the certification process. I had help getting signed up for it, so all I had to do was participate. Having years of knowledge of the content helped my experience, since I was already familiar with the thinking and behavioral attributes. The training starts with some online learning to gain foundational knowledge. Since I had previously taken the assessment I didn't have to retake it and connecting my existing Emergentics+ account to my certification plan was an easy reach out. The learning system was a little confusing, so I only complete half of the pre-work eLearning modules, but I got a nice reminder before my class started and was able to complete it on time.
Class Sessions
I participated in a 2 full-day virtual instructor led session (vILT) with two of my teammates. We decided to attend via work from home so we could focus. Each day there is an eLearning to complete at the lunch break, but you get plenty of time to complete it and eat lunch. There is also a homework assignment of an eLearning between day 1 and day 2.
The structure of the two days supported the right balance of chunking the information. Our instructor, Bill, was a master of virtual facilitation. He was great at balancing time, questions, and best practices for us to use in the future.
Certification Test
I won't give all of the secrets away, but there is a test at the end. It makes sense that Emergenetics International wants to ensure mastery of the content.
Next Steps
If you take a look at my Emergenetics profile, it's not a surprise that I'll end this with my next steps. My green/structural thinking preference loves to shine through! I want to be intentional with my application of my learning and new skills. As the program manager for my organization's internal leadership development program, I'll get to practice individual debriefs and a team debrief soon with our new cohort. I also scheduled time for me and my team to debrief on our experiences and identify how we want to practice our new skills and continue the learning. It will be fun to combine those activities with current certified Emergenetics Associates on my team.
How Could Emergenetics Help You?
If you are interested in learning what your Emergentics profile is or getting one for your team, reach out. I'd love to talk more about how this tool can help you identify your strengths and brilliances.